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Langford Village Academy

Vision & Ethos

Mission Statement

Our Vision and Aims

‘Learning, Values and Achievement’ is our mission statement.

Learning: We provide a happy, stimulating and safe environment, with an exciting curriculum which enables children to enjoy their learning.

Values: Values Education underpins everything we learn in school and informs the attitudes and behaviour of our children, and we encourage staff, children and parents to value not only each other, but the school and the wider environment. 

Achievement: We ensure every child achieves their best (and beyond!) and we provide both the challenge and the support to get them there. We achieve good academic standards.

Healthy School/ Eco-school

As both an Eco-school and a Healthy School, we know how to take care of our environment and understand the importance of what we grow and eat. We have a wooded area and garden and teach Forest School lessons.  We have two trained Forest School Leaders. We gain some of our energy through our solar panels.

Home/School Partnership

We place a great deal of emphasis on the co-operation between home and school. We facilitate a strong partnership with parents and encourage them to come into school as often as possible. Good relationships between parents and our staff help our children to achieve their full potential. Events are arranged throughout the year for parents to attend both formally and informally.

Values Education

Our Values' system is based on each child's right to respect, to learn and to belong to a safe school. Values are taught through assemblies, circle time, PSHE lessons and embedded throughout our curriculum.  Children work towards completing values postcards by demonstrating their values throughout school life. These are then awarded during our weekly values assemblies and displayed prominently in the hall. 

                     At Langford Village Academy, we are GREAT because we focus on these values:

                                       GRATITUDE - RESPECT - EMPATHY - ACCEPTANCE - TEAMWORK