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Langford Village Academy

Our School Day

Arrival at school 

Please ensure, in line with our Safeguarding Policy, that all children are brought to the school gate and collected at the end of the day by a designated adult or provide parental permission. Children need to arrive at school in time by 8.55am, but not before 8.45am as the school gates do not open until then.

Parents or carers are required to leave their children at the gate by our Foundation Stage area, a member of staff is on the gate to take any necessary messages. Children then walk into the playground where there is a teacher on duty and go to their classrooms.  If your child is late and enters the school through the front door please make sure you sign them in at the office.

Collection from school

All children should be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day. 

Staff will only release the children to a designated/appropriate adult. Any siblings who collect must be over 14 years old.

Our School Day

08.45am School gate opens
08.55am School bell rings
9.05am School begins/register closes




KS1 Break


KS2 Break

11.45am - 1pm EYFS lunch

KS1 lunch

12.15-1.15pm  KS2 lunch
2.55pm Assembly
3.20pm End of school (3.15pm for EYFS)

Our School Hours

All of our school hours amount to 32.5 hours a week.